Sunday, June 28, 2009

Billy Mays

Infomercial king Billy Mays died . He was 50 years old.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jon & Kate

I wish those idiots would get the hell off tv. I dont give a fuck about their divorce and Jon has a sex tape out with that stupid girl he cheated with .

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Writers strike

Well the writers strike has made it hard to talk about tv since there arent any new episodes of the good tv shows anymore. Ill try and get this blog up to speed when I have a day or 2 off work.

The Sarah Connor Cronicles

This is my favorite new show. I doubt they'll keep it on the air long though . Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is one of those shows that will be a hit in my eyes nomatter what because its action packed and they blow alot of shit up. I dont care if others dont like it . Its a mans show.Plus it has Summer Glau from Serenity and Firefly. Lets face it shes a badass in everything she does but I like her work anyway. Im gonna say shes going places in this business . I wouldnt be surprised to see her as the next big actress in movies.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


hey, this is my Tv show review blog. Ill be talking about new and old shows and why I liked them or hated them.